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(Banksy™ Welcome Mat, 2020) - Image by Heritage Auction [1]

About Us


Figure 1: "Wait there are brown people in the Caribbean?" -  hypothetical conversation

"There are brown people in the Caribbean?"

Figure 1 shows a conversation I sometimes experience when I meet new people.


I would wonder why many questioned how South Asians ended up in the Caribbean despite the fact that colonialism is taught in schools.


An answer for this is the British education system often teaches colonialism less thoroughly than other historical topics that involve the UK such as World War 2 or the reign of the monarchy [2]. 


Furthermore, many atrocities committed by Britain have been whitewashed and rewritten to seem less barbaric.



Figure 3: Indian workers in Trinidad.

Why did we start this blog?

The aftermath of George Floyd's murder lead to a growth in awareness of the BLM movement (see figure 2) in which many individuals began to educate themselves on racism within their society.


We hope this blog aids in educating the general public.


2021-03-09 (3).png

Figure 2: Google trends between BLM and G. Floyd in 2020 [4]

Hence, this website aims to explore:


  • The various forms of white supremacy that stem from colonialism. 

  • Why certain statues and monuments are being removed from public spaces.

  • How cultural appropriation in the current age runs parallel with how imperial nations stole items and customs from subjugated nations and claimed them as their own.


Figure 3: the Black Power fist [5]



We are University students, and this is a project for a 2021 assignment.


Please do not reference our work as an academic source. It has NOT been peer-reviewed.

Instead, we encourage you to explore the academic sources within the bibliography and the reference list at the end of each blog post.



We aim to provide information from reliable and trusted sources. If you discover any misinformation within our posts, please leave a message and we shall do our best to amend the inaccuracy.





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